This site and all of its contents copyright Deerwood Ranch Wild Horse Eco Sanctuary Inc.
Site design by Steve Watson
All photos copyright Jana Wilson 2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2022/2023/2024

Welcome To Deerwood Station
In days gone by, Deerwood Station was the name of the corrals located in the upper section of Deerwood Ranch where the train stopped to load cattle being shipped to market. The corrals still exist today and Deerwood Station is displayed on some maps of the area. Original ranch entries of Deerwood Ranch date back to 1881. The beautiful, productive ranch sits at the base of the Snowy Range Mountains in Centennial Valley at the mouth of the Middle Fork of the Little Laramie River near Laramie, Wyoming. "Deerwood Station" was chosen as the name for a new guest cabin with spectacular views located on Deerwood Ranch. The cabin adheres to the history of the ranch with modern accommodations including two bedrooms containing one queen bed, the second with one twin bed and one queen bed. The common bathroom features sink, tub/shower, commode and washer/dryer. A beautiful sitting area, with a queen size sleeper sofa & two reclining chairs combines with a cooking kitchen and dining area looking out over the river. The Deerwood Ranch is a wild horse sanctuary. The cabin guests will get to view the horses in their natural surroundings. What a site to behold!
Sit on the back porch and relax or take in some of the many activities such as hiking, fishing, wildlife viewing, horse watching, photography, cross country skiing & mountain biking. Near-by downhill skiing, snow mobile rentals and trails, ATV trails, dirt biking & geocaching.